आणि याला वैन्यानिक कारण सुधा आहे लाखों वर्षांपुर्विचे मिळालेल्या आदिमानवाच्या अवशेषांवरुन हे सिद्ध सुधा केले गेले आहे. यांवर अनेक शास्त्रज्ञांनी सिद्धांत सुद्धा मांडले आहे.
मानवाचि निर्मिति डायनोसोरच्या
अंत नंतर सुरु झाली आहे. लाखोंवर्षांपुर्वि उंदिर सारखे दिसणारे प्राणि हे आपले पुर्वज
होते. हजारों वर्षानंतर त्याच्यात बदलाव होत गेले. त्या नंतर ते प्राणि हे थोडेफार
हे माकडासारखे दिसायला लागले. बदलती परिस्थितिनुसार ते पुर्ण माकड बनले. त्यांच्यात
अनेक प्रकारचे बदल होऊन ते चिंम्पाजी वानर सारखे त्यांचे चेहेरे दिसायला लागले. त्यांना
एका झाडावरुन दुसऱ्या झाडावर उडी मारायला जमत नव्हतं त्यामुळे ते झाडांच्या फांदिवर
बसुन असायचे. बदल्या काळानुसार ते एका फांदि वरुन दुसऱ्या फांदि वर उडी सुधा मारु लागले.
त्यांनी समोरच्या पायांचा वापर हे हातासारखे वापरायला सुरुवात केली होती.
ते आता आठवण ठेवण्यासाठि वेगवेगळ्या चिन्हांचा वापर करु लागले
व ते चिन्ह दगडावर झाडावर काढु लागले. त्यांचा मानेच्या खालचा गळा हा ठोस झाला होता
व ते वेगवेगळे आवाज काढु लागले काहि काळांनि त्यांनि भाषेचि निर्मिति केली. त्यांना
थोडी फार समज आली होति, स्वताचे पालनपोशन करण्यासाठि त्यांनि शेती करायला लागले प्राण्यांना
मारायच्या एवजी ते प्राणि पाळु लागले. ते आदिमानव आताच्या माणंसा येवढे थोडेफार विकसित
झाले होते. त्यांनी अनेक प्रकारचे शोध लावले, त्यांनी चाकाचा शोध लावला व अवगड सामानांची
व वस्तुची वाहतुक करु लागले. आणि त्यांचा विकास सुद्धा मोठ्या प्रमाणे होऊ लागला. व
त्यांची परिस्थिति बदलुन आताच्या माणसां सारखी होऊ लागली. अशा प्रकारे आदिमानवांचा
विकास होऊ लागला.
आताच्या काळातील मानवाला
आदिवासींच्या प्रकारच्या जातिचे अवशेष मिळाले आहे
आदिवासिंच्या जातिचे नाव पुढिल प्रमाणे:
- पेरापिथीकस : (parapithecus)
- प्रोप्लियोपिथीकस : (Propliopithecus)
- ओरियोपिथिकस : (Oreopithecus)
- होमोहेबिलिस : (Homohabillis)
- : (Ardipithecus Ramidus)
- पिथिकेंथ्रॅपस : (Pithicanthropus)
- साइनेन्य्रापस : (Sinanthropus)
- हाइडेल्बग मानव : (Heidelberg man)
- स्टिनहाइम मानव : (Steinheim Man)
- निएंडरथल मानव : (Neanderthal man)
- क्रोमेगोन मानव : (Cromagnon man)
- होमो स्पेइन्स : (homo sapiens)
English Translation:--
Human Origins We believe that our ancestors were monkeys.
But we do know how humans were created and developed. There are several
types of theories about the creation of humans. Some people believe that
man was made by God, while some believe that man was the first little creature
that could have been developed by some time, but this world is based on
science. And the scientific reason for this is that it has been proven
from the relics of the primitive humans that were found millions of years
ago. On this. Many scientists have also proposed theories. Human creation has begun after the end
of the dinosaurs. Our ancestor was the creature that looked like an udder
millions of years ago. Thousands of years later, things changed.
After that the creature looked a bit like this monkey. They became
perfect monkeys under changing circumstances.
They changed their
appearance so much that they started to look like chimpanzees. They have
to jump from tree to tree was unstable so it would sit on the tree
trunk. In turn, they jumped from one branch to another. He had
begun to use the front legs as a hand. After many years, they started to
look like a gorilla bear. They began to eat the meat of the animals they
met. They began hunting for many years. They started making killers from
stones and started hunting with killers. Inhuman began to move around in
groups. Their diet is due to the fruit, tubers and raw meat of the
animal. Primitive as well as cannibal She used to eat meat while eating
dead human beings, while in the forest fire, some of the animals in the forest
died and they ate humanly roasted meat. After they had a good taste, they
started to burn the raw meat of the animals by making a fire. As a
result, their brain became more active. So their. Humans began to
develop at a faster pace The crowds started to increase drastically, moved to
different places and began to adapt themselves to the circumstances. In
order to protect themselves from the cold, heat, they began to adapt to the
conditions under which they began to adapt.
They now used different
symbols to remember and to mark the stone on the tree. Their throat was
solid at the bottom of their neck, and they began to make different sounds at
different times. They understood a little. So, instead of killing
the animals, they started practicing the animals - to nurture their own.
That humans were a little developed in the past. They made many
inventions, invented wheels and began transporting difficult goods and
goods. And their development began to grow. And their circumstances
started to change. Thus human beings began to developed.
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